Send your Sea and Air Freight to Our US Mailbox

Learn about all of the features we offer.

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Free Delivery

Coates Express offers free delivery in and around the corporate areas in Kingston(conditions apply). For delivery outside of the region, please call us for the rate(s). We also offer instore pickup

Last updated 3 mins ago

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Use our Credit Card

Don’t have a credit card to make your purchase? Don’t worry; you can use our card for a small fee of 10% of the value of the amount being used. You give us the cash and we make the purchase for you.

Last updated 3 mins ago

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Package Tracking

We offer a comprehensive package tracking system that updates you from end to end. All you have to do is enter your tracking number and you will be able to see where your package(s) is.


How happy others are with our services

My experience with CoatesX is excellent! The customer service is friendly and genuine. Moreover, deliveries are fast and reliable.

Charain Griffiths
Amazing service!!! I have had bad experience with other courier services and took a leap of faith and decided to try someone new and was pleasantly surprised. My package was delivered right to my doorstep with no hassle. They lived up to their tagline, "Premium Service Personified" indeed.

Toni-Anne Constable
To a great team, thank you for the great service from start to finish. My package was delivered on time as promised. I highly recommend to anyone seeking a reliable courier company.

Reliable Cutomer